Business Protection Agency - Polygraphs, process service, lie detection, collection agency, video security cameras, fingerprinting, debugging.

Many small businesses (and private persons) lose some of their money every day. They don't have the loss-prevention strength to fight back that the major corporations do, and they quietly accept it as 'expected losses'. Some businesses have a collection of NSF checks; some have issues with their competitors; other lose daily due to theft by their own employees.

Our team of professionals has the tools you need to improve the odds. John Grogan & Associates has been a powerful multi-statecollection agency since 1978. Let John's vast experience, including finding 'impossible to locate' debtors throughout a high-profile multi-state investigative career in five decades, help you solve some of your money-loss problems. Serving the nation from Woodland Hills (Los Angeles) California, Arizona, and Idaho (not all services available in all states).

Our team of professionals have the tools you need to improve the odds.

Please choose an area by clicking the appropriate icon below
Collection Agency - Collection of Debts
Process Service throughout the Los Angeles California Area
Polygraphs - Lie Detection Testing
Video Security Cameras
TSCM - Debugging Services

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Collection Agency | Service of Process | Polygraph / Lie Detection | Video Security Cameras | GPS Tracking | TSCM / 'DeBugging'

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